1 oct. 2023Holly Raison, Odile Flament, Julien Dubreucq

Nurturing Family Well-being: Understanding and Supporting Parents with Mental Health Concerns

#Parental Mental Health #Family Support


A Shared Journey
Navigating parenting can be complex and challenging, especially when dealing with mental health issues. It’s important to understand that you’re not alone in this journey, and there are ways to ensure both your well-being and your child’s development are supported.

The Impact of Parental Mental Health on Early Parenting and Infant Development

Linking Development and Early Social Interactions

From the earliest days of a child’s life, the interactions they have with their parents lay the foundation for their future emotional and psychological development. If you’re experiencing mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, these conditions might affect how you interact with your infant—perhaps making it harder to always respond warmly and consistently. However, recognizing this isn’t a marker of failure; it’s a pivotal first step towards seeking help and adapting parenting practices that nurture your child’s development.

Social Interactions and Attachment Formation

The quality of early social interactions is important for the formation of secure attachment (see Box X.), which develops over the first years of life. Secure attachment influences a child’s ability to develop healthy relationships in the future. Identifying and addressing difficulties you have connecting with your child can significantly reduce potential developmental risks linked to insecure attachment formation. Therapeutic interventions, alongside parenting programs, can greatly improve your responsiveness to your infant’s needs, promoting a more secure attachment and enhancing your child’s confidence and resilience.

Exploring New Horizons: Improving Our Understanding on the Impacts of Parental Mental Health on Development

Insights from Recent Research Studies

Recent scientific findings on how various parental mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety, impact children’s emotional and behavioural development emphasise the importance of supportive environments that help mitigate potential negative effects. For example, fostering strong family bonds and accessing community support can play crucial roles in supporting both parents and children. Worrying about how your mental health might influence your child is a common concern for many parents. New research findings can offer valuable information that can help families understand and manage these challenges with compassion and effectiveness.

Looking Ahead: Innovations in Family Support

Research aimed at increasing our understanding of how parental mental health problems impact child development, and therefore, further improve treatment programs and early interventions, is ongoing. New studies are focusing on using technology to provide real-time assistance and support for families. This includes developing apps and online resources that provide easy access to mental health guidance and professional advice. Researchers are also exploring personalised approaches based on genetic factors, family history, and current environmental stressors in order to tailor interventions more closely to individual family needs.


A Path Forward Together
Every family’s journey is unique, but no one should have to walk it alone. By seeking support and embracing available resources, you can create a supportive environment that fosters well-being for both you and your children. Remember, taking care of your mental health is a vital part of being the best parent you can be. Are you ready to take that step for your family today?

Further Reading

Here are some scientific articles focused on the links between parental mental health and child development that you might find helpful:

Understanding Infant-Parent Attachment

What Is Attachment?

Attachment between an infant and a parent is a deep and enduring emotional connection that develops over the first years of life. This bond is important for the child’s emotional growth and can affect how they will interact with others throughout their life.

Types of Attachment: Secure versus Insecure

  • Secure Attachment: Secure attachment forms when a child feels consistently understood and attended to by their parent. Children with secure attachment feel safe to explore their environment, are comfortable with social interactions, and are able to regulate their emotions effectively.
  • Insecure Attachment: In contrast, insecure attachment can develop if a parent is not consistently available or is unresponsive to their child.

Impact on Development

The style of attachment established early in life can influence a child’s emotional and social development. Securely attached children typically develop higher self-esteem, better self-reliance, and stronger social skills. Conversely, children with insecure attachment may struggle with their emotions and build less stable relationships later on in life.

Long-Term Benefits and Challenges

he benefits of secure attachment extend into adulthood, leading to more stable and fulfilling relationships. However, understanding and addressing insecure attachment in childhood can mitigate any potential long-term negative outcomes and support a path toward healthier interpersonal relationships and emotional resilience.

Long-Term Benefits and Challenges

For those interested in a deeper understanding of attachment theory and its implications, the following review article provides comprehensive insights:

  • Cassidy, J., & Shaver, P. R. (2016). Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications (3rd ed.). Guilford Publications. This handbook includes a wide range of studies and is a pivotal resource for anyone looking to explore the nuances of attachment theory further.

"Instinct maternel", "seules

les mères sont touchées par

la dépression post-partum":

stop aux idées reçues !


Attendre un enfant avec impatience et amour ne signifie pas que l'annonce de la grossesse sera vécue comme la meilleure chose au monde. La dépression peut impacter n'importe qui. Elle est causée par une combinaison complexe de facteurs hormonaux, biologiques, environnementaux et psychologiques. La dépression périnatale touche 10% à 20% des femmes...


Devenir mère est un apprentissage et il est courant d’être déconnectée au début et incertaine dans les gestes. Une mère doit s’accorder une bonne dose de bienveillance et d’indulgence. Parfois, perdue dans un flot d’émotions, elle n’ose pas se confier. Or, en discutant, d’autres ressentent les mêmes sentiments.


La dépression n’est pas héréditaire. Avoir un parent qui a eu une dépression ne signifie pas que l’on aura une dépression à notre tour. Cela peut augmenter le risque mais il ne s’agit que d’un risque, pas d’une certitude. Beaucoup de facteurs entrent en ligne de compte, comme le contexte de vie, l’entourage, l’histoire de chacun, notre gestion du stress, et les facteurs biologiques. Il est possible au contraire de n’avoir aucun parent sujet à la dépression et développer soi-même un état dépressif. La maladie peut toucher tout un chacun. L’important est d’en reconnaître les symptômes et de bénéficier de l’aide de son entourage, des soignants.


Un papa qui se met en retrait, un papa qui n’arrive pas à s’occuper de son bébé ou qui a des variations d’humeur importante peut également souffrir de dépression. Si ces signes sont repérés, il faut en parler, consulter. La dépression n’est pas réservée aux mères et peut très bien toucher le père, concomitamment à la mère ou non.


La dépression post partum peut toucher la mère et/ou le père à tout moment pendant l’année suivant la naissance. Il faut la distinguer du "baby blues", une période de légère tristesse pouvant être ressentie jusqu’au dixième jour suivant l’accouchement et qui disparaît rapidement


La dépression périnatale ne se manifeste pas de la même manière et avec la même intensité chez toutes les mères. Certaines continuent à très bien s’occuper de leur bébé, même si elles sont émotionnellement détachées ou submergées. D’autres vont se surinvestir, continueront à s’occuper de leur bébé en étant incapables de prendre une douche, ne pourront plus quitter leur lit, ou encore réaliseront tout cela sans parvenir à s’occuper de leur enfant.

Contenus associés

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Aenean molestie justo vel ex interdum, et dictum nisi faucibus. Donec ligula ex, imperdiet vel erat id.

Thématique 1Thématique 2

Prévention de la dépression périnatale : les outils disponibles

Aenean molestie justo vel ex interdum, et dictum nisi faucibus. Donec ligula ex, imperdiet vel erat id.

Thématique 1Thématique 2Thématique 1Thématique 1

Prévention de la dépression périnatale : les outils disponibles

Aenean molestie justo vel ex interdum, et dictum nisi faucibus. Donec ligula ex, imperdiet vel erat id.

Thématique 1Thématique 2

Prévention de la dépression périnatale : les outils disponibles

Aenean molestie justo vel ex interdum, et dictum nisi faucibus. Donec ligula ex, imperdiet vel erat id.

Thématique 1Thématique 2

Prévention de la dépression périnatale : les outils disponibles

Aenean molestie justo vel ex interdum, et dictum nisi faucibus. Donec ligula ex, imperdiet vel erat id.